About Me


Welcome to my blog! You can call me Mui. Nice to meet you!

First off, I'd just like to say that this blog is a "continuation" of sorts from my old vox/typepad, where some of you may have known me as griffenhawk. So, why did I make a completely new blog? it's mostly because I haven't made a post on typepad since 2011 and I kind of miss having a blog to fangirl on. Tumblr is great and all, but I don't feel comfortable making long posts on it like I can do here.

Now, onto the specifics of what you'll find:

This blog started off as mostly a place to fangirl about Arashi, as that was typically what I fangirled most about in the past. Nowadays the blog will probably focus more on my latest boyband fixation, Sexy Zone. You  may also find reviews for a random collection of video games, books, and other TV dramas, as well as random translations for songs/dramas.

If you'd like for something to be translated - feel free to ask me and I will try to the best of my ability.
A Little More about Me!

Now, that you know what my blog will be about, I guess I should talk about myself too.

I am a Chinese-born Canadian currently still living in Canada. My parents were born in Hong Kong, but my own spoken Cantonese is not great, although my understanding is "okay". I have a very basic understanding of Mandarin and can read a basic amount of Chinese as well. My Japanese, on the other hand, is quite advanced having lived in Japan for a bit in the past. It's been a few years since, so my fluency has probably dropped, but I'm immersed in Japanese entertainment enough that I think the skill will never truly die.

Overall, I'd like to believe I'm a friendly person, but I'm not entirely sure how well that comes off on the internet. That's probably because I'm a very quiet and introverted person, and although some people "come alive" on the internet, my persona stays the same on or offline. With that being said, I really do enjoy talking to people and discussing various things. If you see something I post and you disagree, please tell me! If you see something I wrote that sounds rude, please tell me! I'm a very blunt person, especially on my blog, and I can often come off sounding a lot more condescending then I mean to be so let me know!

If you feel like you want to get to know me even more, please drop some comments anywhere, or if that's not enough you can add me @twitter. I use it for more personal things so that's the fastest way of knowing about me and my life. If you are interested in fangirling with me some more (and looking into my other interests) than feel free to follow me at my tumblr as well.

and with all that being said - again, thank you for checking out my blog and I hope you have an awesome day! 

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