Tuesday 27 August 2013

Regarding Tortall: Alanna and Aly

Another random post about another series of book written by the most amazing YA Fantasy author ever Tamora Pierce. I just want to say now that Song of the Lioness is my most favourite quartet (and books) ever and the Tortall universe in general is my dream. Well, not really, I don't want to live in medieval times but I wish I could meet and know all the characters because all of them are so bad-ass and brilliant.

But that's not what I want to talk about at the moment. What I want to talk about is the relationship between Alanna and her daughter Alianne. (I've been re-reading the Daughter of the Lioness you see). Can I just say that I really love this relationship? Or, well, I find it very intriguing.

I'll just say right now, Alanna is my most favourite character ever, George x Alanna is my biggest OTP for this universe, and pretty much any time either of these two are mentioned in any of the books I go nuts and get incredibly happy. My biggest wish is just to see what their married life is like with their children and the thing is - in Aly's story we get a very small glimpse of Alanna's relationship with her daughter - and it's a complicated one.

The thing is, at first glance, it seems like Aly somewhat resents her mother, or they don't get along. And most people would think that in general Alanna just doesn't spend much time with her children, isn't very close with them etc. but after re-reading Trickster's Choice that's not the feeling I get at all. Aly clearly misses her mother, and Alanna is clearly going nuts at the fact that her daughter is missing. I just found those moments very sweet - when Aly noticed the relationship between Sarai and Winna and likened it to her own relationship with her mother. The thing is - they clearly care and love each other quite a bit but their personalities clash so strongly that it's difficult for them to get along (for now). Aly is after all, still a growing teenager, and Alanna just has issues understanding how her daughter works at the moment.

Tammy has clearly said that Aly eventually grows to understand her mother more and I can see this happening. Aly does respect her mother quite a bit already as a teenager (her indignation at the fact that someone did not know her mother, and how much faith and pride she puts in her mothers ability as a warrior is something I find very telling) and I can see, as she gets older, Aly understanding what it's like to be constantly driven to do something with yourself because she herself has suddenly found that passion in her work as a spymaster.

If anything I see Aly as a perfect combination of her two parents. She has the skills and calm, easy-going manner as her father, but she's also incredibly stubborn and determined like her mother - she just doesn't realise the latter part yet.

Really all I'm here to say is, Alanna and her relationship with her kids. I need more of this because... well, could you imagine 19 year old Alanna at the end of Lioness Rampant being a mother? It's a different sort of character growth that you obviously cannot release a novel about but... my god I wish I could read about it anyway.

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