Wednesday 28 May 2014

My Thoughts of MaotsuJun

So, this is a little late to the game I guess since the Friday article and subsequent Shukan Josei article came out weeks ago already - although there was the latest one about picking fish bones out of Jun's meal - BUT, I figured I might as well say something. To be honest I wasn't ever planning on saying anything until something really concrete came up, because what's the point? I mean yeah, I can fangirl and be all "OMG TOTES DATING GUYS!!" but at the same time those are tabloids and unless we get an official presscon and statement I'm not about to go open the wine bottles. Although Mao and Jun being just friends is totally cool too - if you couldn't tell from my previous post.

On to actual talk of Mao and Jun though. Obviously there are the fans that are like "ugh MaotsuJun fans are fucking batshit" and I can understand that. Especially with the whole dramafever article thing which was just stupid. My response to them.... well whatever. I don't care if they think I/we are delusional because ... what shipper isn't? The thing is - if you honestly asked me "do you really think MaoJun are dating?" my answer would be "I don't know" because I don't. I do think they are very good friends, but anything beyond that is a bit too up in the air for me to really concretely give an opinion. Would I like it if they were dating? I would love it! I think it would be adorable and awesome and I think they are incredibly cute together. Would I be sad/mad/unhappy if Jun was dating someone else? Hell no! I don't care what Jun does in his private life unless he's being a jerk/asshole/kicking puppies.

What I will address is this one post on tumblr. There may be more - I don't exactly go looking for these things but this appeared on my dash. So, let's start with the first point:
If you are really A FAN, how could you have the heart to hope for, wish for, like & love the idea of Jun getting married at this time, when it’s consequence is ARASHI’s downfall?
Uh. Hold on for a second there. You make it seem like once Jun announces his marriage every single Arashi fan is just going to turn their backs on the group and start burning their singles, dvds and posters. Let's think back to another super famous Johnny that got married like... Kimura Takuya? Or even not-as-famous but still pretty fucking-famous like Yamaguchi Tatsuya, Inohara - even freakin Higashiyama got married! They have kids!

Yes - fine, there are fans that will leave. Fans that will rage. Fans that will do absolute batshit things like burn their posters, but there are likely just as many fans (and probably more) that will shrug and be like "Yaaaay".

Also this is Inoue Mao. Makino Tsukushi. The other half of the "8 billion yen couple" that Japan loves from that amazing drama Hana Yori Dango. If Jun could get away with marrying anyone it's probably her - whether you ship it or not.

Next point:
And that damn cliche reason of you guys, that you just want him to be happy.
How sure are you that the only thing who can make him happy is a girlfriend or a wife?
Can’t it be ARASHI itself? Or US? for now.
Um. Why are you making it sound like we're the ones forcing Jun to get married? If HE wants to get married than should I not be happy for him? Doesn't that mean that aside from us, his fans (whom I'm sure he does love, along with Arashi), he has also found another person that is making him happy, if not even happier than he originally was when he was supposedly single?

WE are not saying Jun needs a girlfriend (guy could be gay, or ace for all we know!) - we are simply saying that IF  HE HAS ONE WE WILL BE HAPPY FOR HIM.

and last but not least:
what I care is to gain and retain OPEN MINDED [followers].
This just had me laughing because... oh god the irony of this last statement.

Look what I really wanted to get across was not attack this specific person (I'm not even angry, if anything I'm just highly amused by this weird leap in logic), but just to people in general who think like this, or who share this conclusion that by us... being happy for Jun possibly having a girlfriend, it means that we're not "true fans" and are "not supporting Arashi 100%", I just want to ask... where is your logic in this? How are you coming to your conclusion? Like - I'm honestly curious, from a weird... almost academic standpoint of EXPLAIN TO ME THIS INTERESTING NEW CONCEPT.

Because you seem to believe that by Jun getting married (and ultimately being happy about it because I don't see him wanting to get married and being miserable) this will affect Arashi and therefore Jun should throw away his happiness solely for the popularity of the group? I'm sorry - I didn't realize "supporting Arashi" = making sure they were popular. As a fan, I had always thought "supporting Arashi" meant wanting the best for them.

Regardless - my final thoughts on all these MaoJun rumors swirling around and my overall thoughts on these two:

I've said it already - I think they're adorable together. I could wax poetics about how I think they're perfect for each other, I could dive into my insane headcanons and theories for why they totally could have been dating the past... 5-6 years. I could totally squeal at "looks" they've given each other and what not. I cold do it all, and I could totally become the delusional crazy shipper. And you know what, maybe one day if they do get married (or if Jun happens to marry someone else, either way the fantasies will have to stop right?) I will make a post detailing what I think their story together could have been. Until then though, and for the sake of attempting to preserve a certain image of sanity, I will just say that at the end of the day... they're rumors. Like "omg they had pictures!"... of Jun and Toma? Come on, we don't even see Mao and Jun in the same damn shot, all we have our words.

Hell if we go by that article I might as well just say Jun and Toma are clearly dating and Mao is obviously the third wheel, HOW COULD YOU NOT SEE THE LOVE BETWEEN JUNTOMA!!! Until we get a definite shot or a statement from either of their companies (or the persons themselves) - which by the way the companies seem to be avoiding, don't want another Jin-issue where they deny and then it's like.. oh fuck they were dating oops! - I'll just do what I've always been doing and be happy at their awesome friendship anyway.

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