Monday 3 November 2014

嵐にしやがれ [2014.11.01] - Hawaii SP 1

This is going to be a super long post since I'm doing a review, but adding in a couple translations of some parts I found the most interesting. And there are also photos I'm putting in this time, so... enough talk - let's get started.

It starts off with an intro, they are all at some french restaurant in Hawaii (which is where they all met up at the end of their little adventures) and they pretty much were reflecting on what they did. Vaguely.

A: It was super fun
S: You were able to do the things you wanted to do?
A: I was able to do everything
A: It didn't feel like I was working at all
J: The question is whether that will make an interesting show
O: We were told to really do it without thinking about anything, so that's what I did
S: You just had fun
O: Yep
J: You caught something?
O: Yep!
J: You already said it!
N: What about Sho-san?
S: I'm completely satisfied
O: The person I really had no idea what they did was you
A: You were able to do what you wanted?
S: It was more like, I didn't think I'd be able to do the things I wanted but then I was able to on this show
N: If I say this things will be a bit weird, but everyone was allowed to do what they wanted right? For me though, I was made to do everything by the show!

Skipping ahead to actual Shiyagare in studio with Massu announcer introducing what they're doing and all that

Arashi ni Shiyagare... super long title I refuse to translate xD
S: This time we all really did different things so there might be moments where even the  members are like "Ah, they did that" or "Oh they said that?"
Massu: So even after 15 years there are things that you guys still don't know about each other?
J: Well for us, we really don't touch on each other's private lives
S: We don't live with each other
N: But I just want to say this now, I was made to do everything

I know we always see Arashi as being super tight and BFF's but I think part of the reason they work out is because they don't try to get in to each others business. Others might disagree with me, but I think it helps them that they separate private and work. It doesn't mean that Arashi are just coworkers to each other - but can you imagine seeing them every week for TV show filming and then even more during  your free time? I'd get pretty tired of that too honestly. (^^;;)

Anyway - moving on to the actual segments. First off we have... 

Sho's Part

S: "I'm going to show you how you can spend your free time to the limits"
J: We're talking about a holiday right? Not super-hard-schedule day?
S: For me, this is what a day off is like. 

Okay, so to start off, Sho has talked about this before, but when he travels he plans everything down to the minute. Even when he talks about it, I'm already like "omg, I would hate that" but I laugh too because it just sounds so ridiculous... Now we actually get to see this in action and let me tell you - I felt stressed and annoyed just SEEING this. Like I actually started getting frustrated at him. 

His alarm going off to tell him to leave...
So for his segment, Sho goes off to Kauai Island for a day trip. He has 3 reasons for wanting to do this:
  1. Oahu  has a ton of Japanese people, so the are actually quite restricted when it comes to going out
  2. He wants to test the limits for what you can do on a day trip to another island
  3. A ton of movies have been shot at this island apparently (Jurassic Park, PotC etc.)
Bottom line: I would hate traveling with Sho. I will probably repeat this the entire segment through.

I should mention that the comments by the narrator for this entire special are absolutely freakin hilarious. When Sho is waiting at the airport going through his simulation book the narrator is like
Sakurai Sho doesn't have a concept of just sitting around doing nothing
It's almost creepy how he creates a perfect simulation of the trip in his mind
I seriously love this guy - he's even better during Jun's segment (although I'm probably 100% biased). 

So after getting off the plane Sho is like "The battle starts here, this isn't just play time" - and the director is just like "hah?" xD Oh god Sho, I really would hate traveling with  you. Also throughout the whole segment, the members just keep commenting about how it would be impossible for Sho to keep his schedule. In fact, Jun is the most vocal about it - he's just like "oh my god man". Example:

J: Enjoy the scenery, take your time, relax.. If it was me, I would want that time
N: You don't need that time right?
S: Right,  I already simulated all that by looking at the guide book, so for me it's just "seen it, next!"
J: That's amazing (in a very 'I would hate that' kind of way)

So, Sho takes a ton of selfies throughout his trip. During his time at JJ's Broiler he actually makes a comment like "I do actually want to enjoy myself more.." and all the members are like "REALLY SHO? REALLY?". Also at some point Nino makes this comment that is like "this isn't a freakin drama"

So, after lunch, Sho goes kayaking - and as someone who grew up in a city that loves kayaking, canoeing, and actually taking the time to do this shit for hours, I was appalled that Sho went kayaking and just... stopped and got on a boat - for the sake of meeting his god damn schedule! DUDE ENJOY THE KAYAKING MORE MAN COME ON. *sobbing* But apparently the place he is going (a cave) is somewhere he once went with his grandma, so he really wants to go. He goes to a few other scenic places and throughout all this Sho gives a few pointed comments to the camera - kind of like a tour guide. It's actually guide amusing. He also makes like.. the dumbest rap ever which is "Sakurai Sho in Kauai Tou (Island)" 

Sakurai Sho in Ka-u-ai Tou! YEAH

He just kept singing this until he got to the beach...
 Oh Sho. What a dork. So he ends up going to a beach as well, wades around the water for like two seconds and leaves. And Jun is just like "WHAAT". Actually before this, they actually skipped seeing something that Sho wanted to see (some rock I believe?) but they ended up passing it while driving and Sho is just like "If I had a checklist, I wouldl've crossed it off" and Jun is just like "WHAT?" (I feel you J, I feel you). 

Sho's last stop is a Saimin restaurant where he eats the whole bowl in THREE MINUTES. How do you not get indigestion buddy? *sigh*, Sakurai Sho. 

At the end, Jun hilariously points out that half the time Sho spent was just going to places. So sad. 

Honestly - I really would hate traveling with Sho. He just seems like the type of guy who just... goes to tourist spots just for the sake of saying he's seen them, and then that's it. End of story. Doesn't try to appreciate them or anything, which to me just... it feels like such a waste. I know for him it's probably more of a waste to just.. not do everything, but for me it feels like a waste to do something and not even have the time to appreciate it. Oh well, to each his own I guess. 

Moving on to... 

Jun's Part!

Bless the directors for making Jun look gorgeous the whole time - LOOK AT THAT MODEL POSE
Jun's part is hilarious, but also had me rolling around a bit because HOW MUCH MONEY DOES THIS GUY MAKE? O_O I mean, I know they make quite a bit, but it's different when you actually ... witness that money in action. I love how unashamed and casual he is about it though, and I'm 100% sure 99% of the stuff he bought were probably souvenirs. That's just my feeling, but I'd say I'm correct. 

So before Jun hits his first shopping spot (a clothing store called Kicks-Hi) he stops at a light and the couple beside him waves and he lowers his window down and says hi to them. It's really cute. 

Couple: Otsukaresama
Jun: hello
Couple: You were working up until yesterday right?
Jun: Ah thank you
Jun: Do you live here?
Couple: Yes

J: I have no idea who they are
J: But there's quite a lot of moments where people just regularly call out to us
J: Like, just now, they weren't surprised at all right? People will just normally go "Hi", "You've really been working so hard up until yesterday!"

Although hearing this also makes me feel kind of bad, because even going to a foreign country they literally did not get a break from being famous ^^;;. I guess that's why they chose Hawaii though. Anyway. So yeah - he hits up his first store and the drama begins. Well, pretty much when the director asked Jun how he picked his clothes he was just like "I just go by feeling" and the narrator just DRAMATIZES EVERYTHING JUN DOES AND IT'S BRILLIANT

He shops with feeling, "When I'm traveling I don't get confused"
*snorts*. Anyway, Jun - when he's paying - mentions how he's used up 1/3 of his money, and as he leaves the shop the narration apparently "quotes" Jun by saying:
If I run out of cash I'll just take out more
 and Jun is like "I DID NOT SAY THAT GUYS. I DID NOT SAY THAT". *pats him on the head*. 

Jun's next shop is a necklace place that sells necklaces made of Nihau shells. Not really sure what those are but apparently they're pretty much as expensive as diamonds so... holy crap Jun, you are pretty fucking loaded. On the way he tells a story about how he had actually bought a necklace in 2006, but lost it right after getting back to Japan during a friends birthday party. The director than asks him how he'll buy another one, and he replies "I'll go by my feelings" xD Oh Jun. 

At the store, Jun attempts to make a necklace, hates it and sucks at it. It's quite amusing that he tries it though. This is why I love Jun. He's so persistent and willing to push himself for things. At some point the director is like "getting pissed off?" and he's like "kind of?" and at the end he's just like "I really suck at these things..." Haha, poor J. More quotes from the narrator by the way when he's looking at a necklace:
He's like a hunter eyeing his prey
 and one more
I am Mr. J
 Bless the narrators. Bless them. And the directors. And whoever. Anyway - so at this place Jun spots a necklace that is SO EXPENSIVE he actually hesitates to buy it - not because it's too expensive - but because he doesn't want the viewers to be like "holy crap".  It's actually quite sweet, but again the narrator:
 Should he be J: the entertainer, or J: the regular guy
*snorts*. The director though - being nice - is like "we won't show the price" and Jun is like "ALRIGHT BUYING IT". Haha. And his reasoning? "I'm a star after all".

I'm a star!
Yes J. You are. But I really do love how he is actually quite... like, he's unashamed about his spending, but he still knows how to be modest about it? Like he doesn't want to rub it in anyone's face "Look how much I can spend" and I think that is sweet. But holy crap can this  man spend money.
Sho: Are you moving houses?!
Haha. But, I'm skipping ahead. So after this Jun heads to another store called the Prop Shop that kind of sells random knick-knacks. He actually ends up getting a discount which is kind of cute, he looks so happy and he's like "I'm so glad I'm in Arashi :D:D". His next stop is Lanikai juice where he has an Acai bowl (by the way - this stuff is delicious, I approve his choices), but it's kind of funny because the way they film him makes him seem super cool (and the members are just LOL-ing at it) but then he orders and the captions on the side are like "so boring..." Haha. But I think his English is actually quite cute. He actually seems to understand quite a bit of English.

And then the show proceeds to Jun look like a freakin model. Like seriously.

More narrator goodness
Even in Heaven, Matsumoto is Stoic
In reference to how he's trying to take a picture of his shadow on the sand and he's just like "could you just move over a bit, your shadow is kind of..."

And last stop is a Hawaiian Quilt shop apparently, where he just speed buys a ton of stuff and clarify that despite his speed-shopping, he's still going with his "feelings". And then finally he tops it off by showing the sunset to the viewers and then is like "Well, whether this will be interesting to the viewers or not... I'll leave that to the skill of the directors" :D:D

Some things to add: honestly, I'm right up there with Jun in that I totally just shop with my "feelings". How else are you supposed to shop? I have no idea what makes a good shirt, and yeah I guess I have my preferred colours but overall if I see a shirt and I go "I like that" I'll buy it. With that being said - I don't actually like shopping, so that's probably the reason why. Going by feeling means that I can choose things really fast - mostly since nothing ever grabs my interest, ever. xD But... maybe if I had Jun's bottomless wallet maybe I'd be a bit more lenient with my "feelings". Who knows. Haha. And to close this part...

And finally we get to...

Aiba's Part

So, I don't have as many translations for Aiba's part - mostly because there aren't as many hilarious narrative comments and he doesn't do anything outrageous that gets too much comment from the other members (or that really startles the director). I think that really shows what type of guy Aiba is though - he's just a fun guy. Sho's got the surprising super-man schedule, Jun's got his crazy spending habits, but Aiba is literally just a ball of sunshine, and you can't make fun of that. ...Or can you?

Starts off with Aiba meeting the director in the lobby - and the hilarious thing about Aiba is that he constantly switches between seeming like a totally cool senpai figure to just... being a dork. Which I think does make him a cool senpai when it comes down to it.

Apparently the director he's working with used to be an AD on Tensai Shimura Dobutsuen too (Aiba's animal show for anyone not familiar), so they actually have history.

Is the camera rolling?
 A: Is the camera rolling? Are you ok?
Director Yes!

A: I'm worried about you

Oh Aiba. 

Actually about this phrase - I've heard other Japanese people use it too, so I wonder... is this something they teach in school or something? At first I just thought it was my Japanese friends bad Engrish, but hearing Aiba say it to... makes me think that this is a phrase they learn. Which. Considering Japan's excellent English curriculum... doesn't surprise me in the slightest.

Rock Paper Scissors, loser pays!
So they first go to eat saimin (noodles that Sho ate) and Aiba acts all cool and is like "what do you want? I'll treat you", and everyone is like "ah, what an awesome senpai!" and then he talks about how he's going to buy a present to MatsuJun's birthday, and how he used to eat out all the time, but now he's started to cook. He explained a dish he makes with sweet potato, slices it, and then just fries it in sauce and the director is like "Ah, so cool" and Aiba's like "Cool right? That's right, it is cool" (oh so modest Aiba-chan xD). And then when it comes time to pay.... well. I think the caption above explains it. Haha. So much for "I'll treat you" (although Aiba ends up paying anyway. 

So, then they go to pick up MatsuJun's  present - which is actually a custom designed surfboard and J is like "I'm about to fall in love with this guy". Haha. And then he actually sees the board and is like "WAIT A SECOND. WAIT." Because...

with angel!Aiba over his right shoulder ;)
Next up - Aiba goes surfing! Although first they stop at a surf shop and Aiba wants to go buy sun oil but... he can't actually understand the person at the cashier. The store didn't have sun oil, and it actually didn't even have sun lotion for the body - it just had those little ones you apply to your face. Aiba does not understand what she's saying at all, but he's still like:

A: I see...
Director: Did you understand that?
A: Nope. *buys the thing anyway*

and then we get this:

And all the members are like WHY DID YOU BUY IT? YOU DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT WAS. Oh Aiba. And then  Aiba goes surfing, and there isn't much to say. He tries again and again until he is finally able to surf, and it looks like he's having a ton of fun. :D So.. more pics I guess?

What do I do?!

and there we have it.

Aiba and  Jun both seem like fun guys to hang out with. Sho... not so much. Haha. They all seem super relaxed though, so I think that makes things better. Even with the camera rolling, they're just doing their own thing. I'm sure a part of them does have their camera-persona on, I think Nino even makes a comment during Jun's part that is like "Normally J would've stopped shopping by now", but for the sake of the show! Sho, of course, hamming up being a tour guide and well... Aiba just being Aiba. Haha.

and to close it off.

S: The part with MatsuJun's board was pretty surprising
J: I could fall in love with him, really

and so they bring out MatsuJun's board and Aiba tells Jun to pick it up and test it out (apparently it's super light). 

O: When you do this, you'll see yourself
A: How is it, it psyches you up right?

J: I just keep looking into Aiba-chan's eyes..

Oh poor Jun. Or maybe he likes being able to look in to Aiba's eyes? (LOL)

So there you have it.

I really can't wait until next week for part 2 - Ohno and Nino's segments. Also the VSA Hawaii special and the NHK Documentary. I'll try to make posts about all of them. Keyword is try. 

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