Tuesday 16 December 2014

Once Upon a Time

So... this is what has been taking up most of my time (and reading The Digitalian concert reports - and yes, I've seen FNS and Best Artist) - but this is what has been taking up most of my time.

I don't normally watch American shows, but it's a modern fairytale AU, how could I not watch? So I did, and I am enjoying it a lot. I mean, some times it gets a bit draggy, especially with the extended story of Charming and Snow's romance together and their adventures and what-not and it's just like "eh, I could do without" and in general I tend to skip through a lot of the past stuff. Let's be real here - I'm in it for the modern. I love seeing the characters in the modern world.

Also, this show is so sassy. It has some of the best lines between the characters - especially between Regina and Snow. Like, they have the best dialogue and just work so well off each other.

So where am I at so far? I haven't caught up, still mid-way through season 3 (Neal just died - I CANNOT BELIEVE HE DIED WHAT ABOUT TRUE LOVE?!). This season feels really long for some reason. Maybe it's because the whole first part was the Peter Pan thing and now they did the 1 year restart so it feels like I'm starting a new season, when I'm not? I'm not sure.

So, why do I love this show so much? It's really just the take on the characters. How they've made some tales darker, how they've merged certain tales together - how the characters have turned out in modern day. I love it all. And the sass. So much sass. And sure the show has its corny moments but it's based off of fairy tales. What should we expect? Normally I am not one for corny romance "true love" stuff, but in the context of fairytales it works and I'm just drinking this stuff up.

Random thoughts?

In season 2 I really gravitated between thinking Regina was a total bitch and feeling sorry for her. In season 3... well since she's not technically the bad guy anymore, I am beginning to like her more. I mean, I liked her as the bad guy too but like I said, this is all fairytales and happiness and I was just like "OMG WHY ARE YOU BEING SO UNREASONABLE". Although honestly - Emma and Regina need to stop fighting. When Emma didn't believe Regina at first about re-casting the curse, I was like are you serious Emma? Are you two really going to go through all this shit over again?

Rumple and Belle is cute but at the same time kind of weirds me out - not sure why yet.

Henry has the most fucked up family ever. His grandfather is Rumple, great grandpa was Peter Pan, father is Neal. Hook also took care of Neal (and potentially sees him as a son?) yet this same guy is now interested in Emma who is Henry's father. Regina is Henry's adopted mother but also his step-grandmother and thus Cora would be his step great-grandmother. And then you have Snow White and Charming. This kid. That line Charming made about Thanksgiving dinners honestly killed me, because I would love to see that. Like, with the fairytale context but without the drama. As in if the characters really were just a regular family and came together... can you imagine  how fucked up that would be? (Hook included).

What else? NEAL DIED. WHAT. Still kind of miffed because I liked Neal and Emma. At first I kind of liked Emma and Hook too, but once we got Emma's backstory and Neal came back... they just look so much better and happier together. Hook and Emma are all hot and steamy, but Emma and Neal are love. Love.

Also Regina and Robin Hood - she needs to get one that ASAP (although I hear this falls apart later - WHY?).

And do I have more to say? Not really.  Just wanted to get some thoughts of the show out of my head and in general just talk about how much I am enjoying it. 

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